HOH: Jillian
Nominees: Gary and Aneal
Veto: Gary (replacement: Danielle)
Evicted: Danielle
HoH/Nomination Episode, Sunday:
So this HoH competition this week is an endurance competition, which I hate, especially because the episode is live. You don't know until later that night who wins if you stalk the live feeds or message boards, or everal DAYS if you don't. It's annoying and I've always hated them. I wish the HoH competitions were more like the POV comps, fun and funny and not boring. But anyways.
This week they're dressed like lumberjacks and have to hang off of a tree for hours on end. The girls obviously have the advantage in this challenge because they're smaller and have smaller feet to balance on the footholds.
Gary and Aneal are already whining about how hard it is - shocker! Liza is the first to drop off, and AJ follows closely - probably just waiting so he wasn't the first one. Aneal and Danielle drop next, followed by Alec, Andrew, Topaz, Tom, and Gary. Emmett struggles for a while, sliding down the tree until he finally drops. Now it's just Jillian, Liza, and Peter left. Peter is a genius, I'm convinced of this. He says he planned on throwing it, he just wanted to get a good placing and a good exit from the competition. So he fakes a dramatic fall and then an ankle injury - I love this guy.
Jillian and Talla are the only ones left. Talla asks Killian if she's the target, Jillian says no way and Talla jumps. My Nova Scotia homegirl Jillian is the new HoH!
Almost immediately, the drama starts. In the diary room, Danielle says that Jillian is jealous of her and every time she gets close to Emmett, Jillian freaks out. Aneal says the opposite, that Danielle is jealous of Jillian and Emmett because every other girl in the house has a go-to guy and Danielle doesn't. Jillian admits to Emmett that she wants to put up Gary and Danielle and get rid of Danielle because she's her 'worst enemy' in the house.
Gary and Danielle are talking smack about everyone in the house, I'm guessing they're bodning over their mutual bitchiness. At this point, Danielle says she actually hates Jillian and is 'almost at the punching in the face point'. Yeah okay.
Once in the HoH room, Tom comes up to try to work his magic on Jillian, saying he doesn't trust Suzette and Aneal. Jillian says she thinks AJ and Danielle are coming after her. First of all ... who even is AJ? That just came out of left field for me, but oh well. Tom plants the seed about Aneal.
Aneal comes up to talk to Jillian and tries to put her against Tom. He exposes the four boys alliance (is Jillian reall that dumb that she hadn't seen it before?) and Jillian admits that she isn't sure if she trusts Emmett any more.
House competes in the have/have not challenge and Peter, Tom, Alec, and Talla end up being have not's for the week. Peter uquickly finds the upside of slop, saying it will generate sympathy for him and play into his strategy of being the good guy. I love him, have I mentioned that before?
Emmett comes up to the HoH room and tells Jillian that she can't trust Aneal because he's a liar and spreads rumors. Tom talks to Talla about voting with them and admits to his final two deal with Emmett. He says he's scared of Emmett and Jillian's relationship, but I can't tell if he's telling the truth or just saying that to get Talla to trust him.
Jillian is coming around about Aneal. Emmett is smart and says that she should put up Gary and Aneal because he can easily manipulate Danielle into joining their group and voting with them, or they can try to back door her if Gary or Aneal wins POV. Peter says that Aneal is getting too close to their strategy (he's right), so it's smart to put him up.
It's time to make nominations and Jillian says (again) that she's a terrible decision maker and it shows her literally last minute changing her nominations. She says this way she won't be totally screwed if someone uses the POV because then she can back door her original plan.
The nominations end up being Gary and Aneal.
(Side note: I am SO glad they don't all sit around the table and use that hideos round key box from Big Brother US in this season. I hate that thing.)
Aneal gets pissed off and storms off like a big baby, while Gary goes to touch up his make up ... yeah, that sounds about right.
Veto Episode, Wednesday:
The Veto episode starts with the fallout from Jillian's nominations. Emmett is happy because Jillian went along with the plan, Gary is pissed because Jillian let everyone know he's a great player, and Aneal says he's going to fight to stay in.
Aneal goes up to the HoH room to talk to Jillian and immediately starts fake crying and saying he doesn't know what happened or what he did. Please. He admits in the diary room that it was a total exaggeration and full on acting, and it works because Jillian feels horrible about it. Aneal then proceeds to go around crying in front of as many people as he can to try to get pity votes. While I think he had the right idea, he went way too far. Instead of getting pity, it's more likely to make him seem weak and an easier target either this week or later on. Emmett pegged him right I think, saying that this game isn't for the weak and that you have to be careful with what you say around him because he's likely to just use it against you.
Danielle admits it might be a good move to realign with Jillian because the power in the house doesn't seem like it's going to change for a while. This falls right in with Emmett's plan to manipulate Danielle and bring her into their group to use as voting fodder.
Emmett and Jillian's relationship seems to have taken quite the jump, and everyone in the house has noticed that they're acting like an old married couple. Aneal says there are too many showmances in the house - Emmett and Jillian, Alec and Topaz, and Tom and Liza. Not sure if the boys planned this, but it's smart of them to expand their alliance, while keeping their core alliance of the four boys.
Up next, Peter gets a visit from Marsha the Moose, who sounds a lot like comedian Trevor Boris. He's chosen for a secret mission where he has to incorporate three different quotes into an every day conversation without the houseguests questioning him. Peter was a great one to do this because he's weird and awkward and I feel like people would just kind of go with what he says rather than question it. He ends up completing the mission and wins a secret prize for the rest of the house that will be revealed later.
Then it's back to Jillian and Emmett, and this part of the episode was super uncomfortable to watch. Jillian says that she doesn't want to kiss him because she knows her family is watching - but then hops right on in the shower with him. Classy! Her poor parents.
Time for the veto comp! The players are Jillian, Aneal, Gary, Peter, AJ, and Danielle. Jillian picks Liza as the host. The competition is tricky, they have to run along a beam, onto a turnstile, then another beam, before throwing snowballs to knock off six snowmen. It starts off slow, but then Gary pulls ahead and ends up taking it, surprising most everybody in the game.
Tom's response to Gary killing it at the challenge: "I don't know if he's just good with balls, orrrr ..."
I'm not sure how I feel about Gary. He makes me laugh in the few minutes I see him on TV, but I feel like if I had to live with him I'd want to kill him after about ten minutes.
Peter and Alec admit to their secret alliance, calling themselves 'The Shield'. I love this, probably just because I love Peter so much, but they're smart to keep their sub-alliance somewhat of a secret. They've admitted that they plan on pulling a prank on the house once a week, which is going to be awesome so I really hope they both stick around for a long time - they seem really smart.
"Bromance over showmance." - Alec. Probably the smartest thing ever said on Big Brother.
Danielle goes up to talk to Jillian to try to realign, and Jillian is fishing to see if anyone will offer to go up as a pawn. And then Danielle stupidly offers to go up as a pawn, thinking she's being nice and offering somewhat of a (fake) olive branch. She's doing it so that Jillian owes her one, then she can backdoor her later on.
Tom needs to make sure he's still in a tight alliance with Emmett, and needs to see how Emmett really feels about Jillian. Emmett tells Tom not to worry about it, which only further cements Aneal's theory that the boys are just using the girls to add to their numbers.
Liza and Jillian talk about making a girl's alliance, tying into Aneal's theory as well and building their own backup plan - smart! Aneal is now trying to plead his case, exposing Danielle to Jillian. He's right about Danielle and it's a great way to switch Jillian's target from himself to Danielle.
Now it's time for the reward that Peter won the house and it's a hot tub party that even the have not's get to enjoy. This normally would have been incredibly boring but of course there was drama! Gary, Talla, and Danielle stole the vodka provided and ran off to get "white girl wasted" according to Tom. Tom gets pissed and calls them out for being selfish and of course it starts drama. Talla flips out and the whole thing is just ridiculous.
Up now is the POV ceremony. Jillian is saying she's torn between putting up Danielle and AJ - wait, who's AJ again? Riiiiight. So the ceremony starts and Aneal has to tell Gary why he should use it on him and I HATE these things. I hate when they have to 'plead their cases'. And now Aneal raps? Ugh, this is so annoying just shut up Aneal.
Gary obviously uses the veto on himself, and Jillian decides to put up Danielle, thank God.
I hope Danielle goes home. They'd be smarted to get rid of her than Aneal because Danielle is a lying liar and is just way to stupid for her own good. I hope Aneal's 'poisoning' of Jillian against Danielle worked and she remembers her initial plan! Jillian says in the diary room that things are 'out of her hands' and that 'everyone said 100% that she was staying'. I feel like Jillian just tries to not get blood on her hands, and wants to make sure no one thinks she's lying or playing them. Girl, own up to it!
Eviction/HoH Episode, Thursday:
Live eviction time! First of all, I just want to say that I'm unsure how I feel about the new host. She's no Julie Chen and I feel like she's trying way too hard but she's not absolutely horrible. Also her stylist should be fired because her outfits are not flattering whatsoever to her figure. Whoever told her she should wear peplum shirts/pant should be shot.
After the veto ceremony, Peter pulls Alec and Emmett aside and tells them about the girl's alliance she's heard about - from Liza! Ugh last episode I thought she was smart but now that she's done that, it's super annoying! Now the boys realize how tight they have to be, and how willing they'll be to drop the girls.
Well it seems Aneal was right about the foursome alliance - Quattro. Now tom is pitching to get rid of Danielle to isolate Gary and bring Aneal onto their side for numbers. Peter agrees and thinks it's a smart move so the campaigning begins.
I'm not sure how I feel about Aneal. He seems like he thinks he's really smart and knows how to play the game but really he's just too sneaky and trying too hard. Luckily, he has Peter and Alec who want to save him this week and use him. They tell Aneal that they could keep him but their names have to stay out of it and he can't come after them. It seems like Peter and Alec are using Tom and Emmett as the faces or workhorses of their alliance - a smart move because they're really the smart ones! It keeps them out of the spotlight but they're really the masterminds.
Gary, Danielle, and Suzette are starting to get paranoid about Aneal talking to everyone else - but they're delusional and just think they're being nice to Aneal. Suzette seems like she's just hanging around and keeps saying 'oh yeah' 'I know' 'yeah!' - floater. Danielle says she's sure she has the vote. Hmm, should be interesting.
Up next Gary throws a fashion show with all the girls for the guys to watch. Oh god, this is going to be horrible. How embarrassing, I didn't even want to watch it until Gary came out and then I lost it laughing. The wig just made the whole thing.
Gary comes up to the HoH room and tells Jillian that Aneal seems to be campaigning to stay and suggest maybe she's not in charge anymore. Jillian does a decent job of playing it off, but she knows that Danielle is going or at least that's the plan.
Time for the vote! Both Danielle and Aneal 'plead their cases' to stay and as usual I hate this. They're just sucking up an saying nonsense so that they stay, blah blah blah. Danielle's speech was weird though, I wonder what she's getting at.
Alec: Danielle
Tom: Danielle
Topaz: Danielle
Gary: Aneal
Suzette: Aneal
AJ: Danielle
Liza: Danielle
Talla: Aneal
Emmett: Danielle
Andrew: Danielle
Peter: Danielle
Danielle is evicted 8-3.
When she got up to leave Aneal went to hug her but she blew him off and headed straight for the door, which I don't know why, it's not like he voted. No one went to say goodbye except for Gary, Suzette, and Talla, the three that voted to keep her. She left quickly and I was expecting a bit more of a scene so that was disappointing. Gary is crying as usual, and Aneal is acting sad for Danielle but is secretly jumping for joy.
Danielle watches the goodbye videos from the other houseguests which I normally hate but this time most of the people weren't sorry and didn't pretend like they were going to miss her. So that was funny.
Up next is the HoH challenge. It was a 'majority rules' quiz, you had to answer with the majority or you're out. After the first round, Topaz and Liza are out. Second round knocks off Talla, Suzette, and Gary. No one falls victim to the third round, and Alec is out after the fourth. The fifth through seventh round sees no one leave and then the eighth round is a tiebreaker. Tom comes the closest without going over, so he is the new HoH!
Should be an interesting week coming up, at least my boy Peter will be around for another week!
How did everyone feel about this week? Who are your favorites? Who is Tom going to put up? Leave a comment and let me know what you think! :)