Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Monday (Tuesday) Update: March 26

Posted by at 12:50
Whoops, I forgot to do an update yesterday! Last week I was in Halifax for a few days, so my diet pretty much went right out the window. When I came home I felt very blah and like I needed to be recharged so I decided to take the rest of the week off as well. I felt like I needed several days to eat lots of food to bring my metabolism back up so this week when I cut my calories back again it will have more of an effect. I know that my metabolism has lowered a significant amount because most days I don't even come close to meeting my 1200 daily minimum. So in order to prevent long term damage, I stuffed my face for a few days. And it worked! By Sunday, after a full week of not counting calories or watching what I ate, I had gained back one pound, with little to no difference the last few days of the week. And then yesterday I was right back on the wagon.

Current Weight: 157.2 lbs

I was happy with this week, though I do look forward to being back on the wagon. I'm planning on doing the reset of my metabolism every weekend, and I'm interested to see the effect this will have on my weight loss.

My mom and I also started the C25K program, and are hoping to run a 5k marathon some time this summer! The days are longer and the weather is finally starting to get nicer, so I'm looking forward to being active and outside again.

As for last week's goals, the dietary ones kind of went out the window, but I didn't spend any more money! So that's always a bonus.

This week's goals:
- Continue with C25K, 3-4 times this week.
- Continue monitoring sugar intake.
- Boost metabolism on weekend, with high calories not just 'bad' food.
- Ride 3-4 times.

March 2013
Size 11 Wranglers from the summer

Monday, 18 March 2013

Monday Update: March 18

Posted by at 09:25
Well, this past week has been a rather uneventful one. But then so is just about every week lately! I had a somewhat difficult time diet-wise this week, and gave myself a cheat meal on Thursday night. I've found my hunger dropping off lately, and it's been hard to even meet my 1200 calorie goal. I'm worried about introducing some higher calorie meals into my plan, just because I don't want to fall off of any bandwagons! We'll see what this week brings.

I'm in Halifax for the next few days, so this morning I didn't get a chance to weigh myself with my usual scale. However I did it yesterday to keep track!

Current weight (Sunday, March 17): 158.0 lbs.

I was happy with my progress this week, and really started to notice a difference in my hips and stomach. My clothes are really starting to fit differently. Today I even bought a new skirt and it was a size small!

As for my other goals for the week, I met them all except for the exercise one - I really need to stop being so lazy. Oh, and it's been nearly impossible for me not to think about grad school! I only went over my sugar intake once this week, so I was really happy about that!

This week's goals:
- Stop spending money! You are poor, please remember that. Your shopping addiction will get over it. Maybe.
- Have a cheat that satisfies cravings but doesn't make me feel heavy and blah afterwards.
- Keep monitoring sugar intake.
- Increased amount of vegetables in diet.

Left: March 17, 2013
Right: New skirt bought March 18, 2013

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Labels and Labels and Labels

Posted by at 11:08
Yesterday I had someone on Facebook ask about reading nutritional labels. While I'm no expert, I've compiled a list of what are the most important sections for me and my diet. I'm not a nutritionist so everything I've found out is just what works for me!

1. Serving Size: In my opinion, this is the most important part of the nutritional information and also the most tricky to understand. Usually when you look at the label, the first thing you check out is the calories. This is important too, which I'll talk about next. But the serving size is important to wrap your head around. In this case, the serving size is 20 crackers or 20 grams. Remember that 20 grams is really not all that much. Compare the serving size to the total amount for the package and use this to get an idea of just how many calories are in the whole package and if it's really worth it. 'Healthy' snacks try to reel you in by giving a low calorie count for a small amount of food. Example: In this case, there are 80 calories in 20 grams, however for 20 grams of All Dressed Ruffles chips, there are only 108 calories! You get more chips for these because they weigh less, but it's good to put into perspective.
Another tip: It's waaaaay more accurate to weigh serving sizes rather than use the '20 crackers' estimate.

2. Calories: This is the second most important label when counting calories (obviously). It gives you the total calorie count for the serving size. Remember that this is for only a portion of the package unless the serving size is for the entire thing.

3. Fat: This section and it's subsections are also important, though to me, less important than others. 0 grams trans fat is what you are striving for, and for me, the lower the fat the better!

4. Sodium: The amounts for sodium always look scarily high, but remember these are given in milligrams, not grams! Sodium intake is important to monitor because too much sodium can lead to many health issues like heart disease and stroke. For weight loss, too much sodium leads to water retention.

5. Carbohydrates: When watching your carb intake, this is of course another important label! Remember that breads, pastas, and rice are all high in carbs so these numbers will be higher. However this number is for the serving size amount as well, so a high carb number on the label isn't necessarily bad, as long as you monitor your carbs and lower them in other foods - or have a smaller serving!

6. Sugar: This is the part of the label that I've been paying closer attention to lately. I'm watching my sugar intake, and currently my limit is at 24 grams. This particular label has 0 grams of sugar in it, but there are some with upwards of 20 grams per serving! Yikes! Treats like pudding, yogurt, ice cream, etc. are all high in sugars. Sugar is not horrible for you, and naturally occuring sugars in things like fruit are an important part of a balanced diet. I know myself that after a few low sugar days I feel very tired and blah - usually something a pudding cup can fix!

7. Protein: Protein is so important for weight loss, fitness, and a balanced diet. Typically the recommended protein intake for women is 46 grams/day and 56 grams/day for men. This is before any exercise like cardio or strength training. Exercise increases your intake levels for the day, and protein is important to feed your muscles, preserving muscle mass and increasing with losing fat - just what we want!

8. Ingredients: This is a section I often overlook, but there are a lot of people who have ingredients they like to steer away from or have to avoid entirely. Remember to check your ingredient list if you have any intolerances or allergies!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Monday Update: March 11

Posted by at 09:43
I decided last week that I was going to start doing weekly updates to keep both everyone informed and myself accountable. The original plan was to start doing them on Sundays, but before I knew it yesterday was over and I hadn't even opened up my laptop! So Mondays it is.

Current weight: 160.6 lbs

My first goal weight was 160.0 lbs, which I hit on Friday! This was super exciting because I cannot remember the last time I weighed this little. However Sunday was a cheat day, and I'm still feeling bloated from all of the popcorn, garlic fingers, and peanut butter cups I ate. It was worth it though! I was starting to go a little crazy on my diet and I needed the break. I can really feel the difference in my body when I cheat though, last night before bed I felt overstuffed and just plain blah - maybe next time I'll scale back a little bit!

My next goal weight is a big one - 145 lbs. My ultimate goal weight is somewhere between 140 and 145 lbs, and I'm planning on reevaluating once I reach 145 lbs. I want to stay healthy for my height and bone structure, but I also want to feel good and confident about my body.

In the last week, I've really been trying to stay calm and not stress about life. I've been waiting to hear back from school about getting accepted into a graduate program and the longer it goes on, the harder it is to focus on anything else. One of the main reasons I started this blog was to keep my mind active and focused on something while I wait. I've been writing a lot (you guys don't even want to know how many drafts of posts I have saved!) and starting to get my horse back in shape. I think he's pretty happy about the weight loss, too!

Just a short post today, but I'll leave you with my goals for next week:
- One cheat meal, not a cheat day.
- Ride at least 4 times.
- Exercise 6 days (go for a run, walk the dog, use the stationary bike).
- Pay closer attention to sugar intake.
- Try not to think about grad school!

What are some of your goals for the week? Long-term? Let me know, I'd love to hear them!

March 11, 2013

Saturday, 9 March 2013

A Jello Realization

Posted by at 12:15
Today while out grocery shopping I noticed that Foodland had pudding on sale for 99 cents. Of course I headed right for the bin and starting burrowing through looking for any fat free or no sugar options. Vanilla pudding is one of my weaknesses and it's a really good treat if you find yourself craving something sweet. While rummaging through the high calorie chocolate and butterscotch flavors, I happened upon a reduced sugar, Strawberry/Orange jello pack. I flipped it over ... 5 calories a cup and 0 sugar.

Of course I bought it. And a couple other packs, too.

Ever since, I've probably said to my mom about ten times, "I'm so excited about that Jello!" And after this tenth time, I realized just how far I've come. I'm excited about Jello. I'm excited that I found a low calorie snack that's going to taste like a cheat. I'm excited that there's no sugar. I'm excited because I just love food and the more that I can eat without feeling guilty, the better.

It's crazy to think that this lifestyle can already be so deeply ingrained into my brain. What happened today made me realize that this isn't just a diet or a phase or anything like that. It is a lifestyle change, and it's getting easier and easier to follow every day. Sure you look a little funny flipping everything you pick up in the grocery store over to look at the nutritional information, but the more educated you are, the better decisions you can make.

It's a big change and it seems like it's too hard or too frustrating or too expensive, but the more you force yourself and the more you keep yourself accountable, the more it becomes second nature. You learn to know what you can and can't have, what you should and shouldn't have. It becomes easier to plan out meals for the week, fun to experiment with low calorie recipes in the kitchen. And the results that you get keep you motivated to stay on the right track! The reason it works is because it isn't short-term and consists of real food. You make your own menu with foods you like and get more and more educated as you go along.

But that's enough out of me, I'm off to enjoy a delicious cup of Orange Jello!

Friday, 8 March 2013

Big Brother Canada: Week 2

Posted by at 12:37
HOH: Jillian
Nominees: Gary and Aneal
Veto: Gary (replacement: Danielle)
Evicted: Danielle

HoH/Nomination Episode, Sunday:

So this HoH competition this week is an endurance competition, which I hate, especially because the episode is live. You don't know until later that night who wins if you stalk the live feeds or message boards, or everal DAYS if you don't. It's annoying and I've always hated them. I wish the HoH competitions were more like the POV comps, fun and funny and not boring. But anyways.

This week they're dressed like lumberjacks and have to hang off of a tree for hours on end. The girls obviously have the advantage in this challenge because they're smaller and have smaller feet to balance on the footholds.

Gary and Aneal are already whining about how hard it is - shocker! Liza is the first to drop off, and AJ follows closely - probably just waiting so he wasn't the first one. Aneal and Danielle drop next, followed by Alec, Andrew, Topaz, Tom, and Gary. Emmett struggles for a while, sliding down the tree until he finally drops. Now it's just Jillian, Liza, and Peter left. Peter is a genius, I'm convinced of this. He says he planned on throwing it, he just wanted to get a good placing and a good exit from the competition. So he fakes a dramatic fall and then an ankle injury - I love this guy.

Jillian and Talla are the only ones left. Talla asks Killian if she's the target, Jillian says no way and Talla jumps. My Nova Scotia homegirl Jillian is the new HoH!

Almost immediately, the drama starts. In the diary room, Danielle says that Jillian is jealous of her and every time she gets close to Emmett, Jillian freaks out. Aneal says the opposite, that Danielle is jealous of Jillian and Emmett because every other girl in the house has a go-to guy and Danielle doesn't. Jillian admits to Emmett that she wants to put up Gary and Danielle and get rid of Danielle because she's her 'worst enemy' in the house.

Gary and Danielle are talking smack about everyone in the house, I'm guessing they're bodning over their mutual bitchiness. At this point, Danielle says she actually hates Jillian and is 'almost at the punching in the face point'. Yeah okay.

Once in the HoH room, Tom comes up to try to work his magic on Jillian, saying he doesn't trust Suzette and Aneal. Jillian says she thinks AJ and Danielle are coming after her. First of all ... who even is AJ? That just came out of left field for me, but oh well. Tom plants the seed about Aneal.

Aneal comes up to talk to Jillian and tries to put her against Tom. He exposes the four boys alliance (is Jillian reall that dumb that she hadn't seen it before?) and Jillian admits that she isn't sure if she trusts Emmett any more.

House competes in the have/have not challenge and Peter, Tom, Alec, and Talla end up being have not's for the week. Peter uquickly finds the upside of slop, saying it will generate sympathy for him and play into his strategy of being the good guy. I love him, have I mentioned that before?

Emmett comes up to the HoH room and tells Jillian that she can't trust Aneal because he's a liar and spreads rumors. Tom talks to Talla about voting with them and admits to his final two deal with Emmett. He says he's scared of Emmett and Jillian's relationship, but I can't tell if he's telling the truth or just saying that to get Talla to trust him.

Jillian is coming around about Aneal. Emmett is smart and says that she should put up Gary and Aneal because he can easily manipulate Danielle into joining their group and voting with them, or they can try to back door her if Gary or Aneal wins POV. Peter says that Aneal is getting too close to their strategy (he's right), so it's smart to put him up.

It's time to make nominations and Jillian says (again) that she's a terrible decision maker and it shows her literally last minute changing her nominations. She says this way she won't be totally screwed if someone uses the POV because then she can back door her original plan.

The nominations end up being Gary and Aneal.

(Side note: I am SO glad they don't all sit around the table and use that hideos round key box from Big Brother US in this season. I hate that thing.)

Aneal gets pissed off and storms off like a big baby, while Gary goes to touch up his make up ... yeah, that sounds about right.

Veto Episode, Wednesday:

The Veto episode starts with the fallout from Jillian's nominations. Emmett is happy because Jillian went along with the plan, Gary is pissed because Jillian let everyone know he's a great player, and Aneal says he's going to fight to stay in.

Aneal goes up to the HoH room to talk to Jillian and immediately starts fake crying and saying he doesn't know what happened or what he did. Please. He admits in the diary room that it was a total exaggeration and full on acting, and it works because Jillian feels horrible about it. Aneal then proceeds to go around crying in front of as many people as he can to try to get pity votes. While I think he had the right idea, he went way too far. Instead of getting pity, it's more likely to make him seem weak and an easier target either this week or later on. Emmett pegged him right I think, saying that this game isn't for the weak and that you have to be careful with what you say around him because he's likely to just use it against you.

Danielle admits it might be a good move to realign with Jillian because the power in the house doesn't seem like it's going to change for a while. This falls right in with Emmett's plan to manipulate Danielle and bring her into their group to use as voting fodder.

Emmett and Jillian's relationship seems to have taken quite the jump, and everyone in the house has noticed that they're acting like an old married couple. Aneal says there are too many showmances in the house - Emmett and Jillian, Alec and Topaz, and Tom and Liza. Not sure if the boys planned this, but it's smart of them to expand their alliance, while keeping their core alliance of the four boys.

Up next, Peter gets a visit from Marsha the Moose, who sounds a lot like comedian Trevor Boris. He's chosen for a secret mission where he has to incorporate three different quotes into an every day conversation without the houseguests questioning him. Peter was a great one to do this because he's weird and awkward and I feel like people would just kind of go with what he says rather than question it. He ends up completing the mission and wins a secret prize for the rest of the house that will be revealed later.

Then it's back to Jillian and Emmett, and this part of the episode was super uncomfortable to watch. Jillian says that she doesn't want to kiss him because she knows her family is watching - but then hops right on in the shower with him. Classy! Her poor parents.

Time for the veto comp! The players are Jillian, Aneal, Gary, Peter, AJ, and Danielle. Jillian picks Liza as the host. The competition is tricky, they have to run along a beam, onto a turnstile, then another beam, before throwing snowballs to knock off six snowmen. It starts off slow, but then Gary pulls ahead and ends up taking it, surprising most everybody in the game.

Tom's response to Gary killing it at the challenge: "I don't know if he's just good with balls, orrrr ..."

I'm not sure how I feel about Gary. He makes me laugh in the few minutes I see him on TV, but I feel like if I had to live with him I'd want to kill him after about ten minutes.

Peter and Alec admit to their secret alliance, calling themselves 'The Shield'. I love this, probably just because I love Peter so much, but they're smart to keep their sub-alliance somewhat of a secret. They've admitted that they plan on pulling a prank on the house once a week, which is going to be awesome so I really hope they both stick around for a long time - they seem really smart.

"Bromance over showmance." - Alec. Probably the smartest thing ever said on Big Brother.

Danielle goes up to talk to Jillian to try to realign, and Jillian is fishing to see if anyone will offer to go up as a pawn. And then Danielle stupidly offers to go up as a pawn, thinking she's being nice and offering somewhat of a (fake) olive branch. She's doing it so that Jillian owes her one, then she can backdoor her later on.

Tom needs to make sure he's still in a tight alliance with Emmett, and needs to see how Emmett really feels about Jillian. Emmett tells Tom not to worry about it, which only further cements Aneal's theory that the boys are just using the girls to add to their numbers.

Liza and Jillian talk about making a girl's alliance, tying into Aneal's theory as well and building their own backup plan - smart! Aneal is now trying to plead his case, exposing Danielle to Jillian. He's right about Danielle and it's a great way to switch Jillian's target from himself to Danielle.

Now it's time for the reward that Peter won the house and it's a hot tub party that even the have not's get to enjoy. This normally would have been incredibly boring but of course there was drama! Gary, Talla, and Danielle stole the vodka provided and ran off to get "white girl wasted" according to Tom. Tom gets pissed and calls them out for being selfish and of course it starts drama. Talla flips out and the whole thing is just ridiculous.

Up now is the POV ceremony. Jillian is saying she's torn between putting up Danielle and AJ - wait, who's AJ again? Riiiiight. So the ceremony starts and Aneal has to tell Gary why he should use it on him and I HATE these things. I hate when they have to 'plead their cases'. And now Aneal raps? Ugh, this is so annoying just shut up Aneal.

Gary obviously uses the veto on himself, and Jillian decides to put up Danielle, thank God.

I hope Danielle goes home. They'd be smarted to get rid of her than Aneal because Danielle is a lying liar and is just way to stupid for her own good. I hope Aneal's 'poisoning' of Jillian against Danielle worked and she remembers her initial plan! Jillian says in the diary room that things are 'out of her hands' and that 'everyone said 100% that she was staying'. I feel like Jillian just tries to not get blood on her hands, and wants to make sure no one thinks she's lying or playing them. Girl, own up to it!

Eviction/HoH Episode, Thursday:

Live eviction time! First of all, I just want to say that I'm unsure how I feel about the new host. She's no Julie Chen and I feel like she's trying way too hard but she's not absolutely horrible. Also her stylist should be fired because her outfits are not flattering whatsoever to her figure. Whoever told her she should wear peplum shirts/pant should be shot.

After the veto ceremony, Peter pulls Alec and Emmett aside and tells them about the girl's alliance she's heard about - from Liza! Ugh last episode I thought she was smart but now that she's done that, it's super annoying! Now the boys realize how tight they have to be, and how willing they'll be to drop the girls.

Well it seems Aneal was right about the foursome alliance - Quattro. Now tom is pitching to get rid of Danielle to isolate Gary and bring Aneal onto their side for numbers. Peter agrees and thinks it's a smart move so the campaigning begins.

I'm not sure how I feel about Aneal. He seems like he thinks he's really smart and knows how to play the game but really he's just too sneaky and trying too hard. Luckily, he has Peter and Alec who want to save him this week and use him. They tell Aneal that they could keep him but their names have to stay out of it and he can't come after them. It seems like Peter and Alec are using Tom and Emmett as the faces or workhorses of their alliance - a smart move because they're really the smart ones! It keeps them out of the spotlight but they're really the masterminds.

Gary, Danielle, and Suzette are starting to get paranoid about Aneal talking to everyone else - but they're delusional and just think they're being nice to Aneal. Suzette seems like she's just hanging around and keeps saying 'oh yeah' 'I know' 'yeah!' - floater. Danielle says she's sure she has the vote. Hmm, should be interesting.

Up next Gary throws a fashion show with all the girls for the guys to watch. Oh god, this is going to be horrible. How embarrassing, I didn't even want to watch it until Gary came out and then I lost it laughing. The wig just made the whole thing.

Gary comes up to the HoH room and tells Jillian that Aneal seems to be campaigning to stay and suggest maybe she's not in charge anymore. Jillian does a decent job of playing it off, but she knows that Danielle is going or at least that's the plan.

Time for the vote! Both Danielle and Aneal 'plead their cases' to stay and as usual I hate this. They're just sucking up an saying nonsense so that they stay, blah blah blah. Danielle's speech was weird though, I wonder what she's getting at.

Alec: Danielle
Tom: Danielle
Topaz: Danielle
Gary: Aneal
Suzette: Aneal
AJ: Danielle
Liza: Danielle
Talla: Aneal
Emmett: Danielle
Andrew: Danielle
Peter: Danielle

Danielle is evicted 8-3.

When she got up to leave Aneal went to hug her but she blew him off and headed straight for the door, which I don't know why, it's not like he voted. No one went to say goodbye except for Gary, Suzette, and Talla, the three that voted to keep her. She left quickly and I was expecting a bit more of a scene so that was disappointing. Gary is crying as usual, and Aneal is acting sad for Danielle but is secretly jumping for joy.

Danielle watches the goodbye videos from the other houseguests which I normally hate but this time most of the people weren't sorry and didn't pretend like they were going to miss her. So that was funny.

Up next is the HoH challenge. It was a 'majority rules' quiz, you had to answer with the majority or you're out. After the first round, Topaz and Liza are out. Second round knocks off Talla, Suzette, and Gary. No one falls victim to the third round, and Alec is out after the fourth. The fifth through seventh round sees no one leave and then the eighth round is a tiebreaker. Tom comes the closest without going over, so he is the new HoH!

Should be an interesting week coming up, at least my boy Peter will be around for another week!

How did everyone feel about this week? Who are your favorites? Who is Tom going to put up? Leave a comment and let me know what you think! :)

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Homemade Eggrolls and Butternut Squash Soup

Posted by at 15:19
Tonight's supper consisted of homemade egg rolls and butternut squash, and it was delicious! I could barely finish my soup because the egg rolls were so good and so filling. Entire recipe made 14 egg rolls and 3 large servings of soup.

What you need:
- Ground pork
- Coleslaw salad mix
- 1 teaspoon soy sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 teaspoon minced garlic
- Pinch curry powder
- Salt and pepper
- Wing's egg roll wraps
- Low sodium chicken broth
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- President's choice butternut squash vegetable medley soup mix

What you do:
Egg rolls:
1. Fry up ground pork, seasoned any way you like it.
2. When almost done, add soy sauce, garlic, and ginger and mix in.
3. Put coleslaw mix in a large bowl and microwave for ~5 minutes.
4. Mix together coleslaw and pork and add curry, salt, and pepper to taste.
5. Lay out egg roll wraps in diamond shape and put small scoop of pork mixture on top.
6. Fold two opposite ends of the wraps towards center to the corners touch, then start at the bottom corner and roll up and around the filling. Seal with small amount of water.
7. Place wraps seal down on lightly greased pan and bake for 10-15 minutes on each side.
1. Pour entire mixture of butternut squash soup mix into a large pot.
2. Add entire carton of chicken broth (ours was 900ml) and brown sugar.
3. Bring to a boil.
4. Remove from heat and use hand mixer to puree vegetables.
5. Either eat this way, or let cool and add to a blender to further puree the soup. This will give it a thicker and creamier texture.
6. Re-heat, add any garnish (I used a small amount of cheese) and enjoy!

Calorie breakdown:
Egg roll wraps: 1 wrap, 70 calories x 3 = 210 calories
Ground pork: 38 g, 64 calories x 3 = 192 calories
Coleslaw mix: 8 g, 8 calories x 3 = 24 calories
Brown sugar: 1/3 teaspoon, 5 calories
Soup mix: 1/3 of package, 93 calories
Chicken broth: 1/3 of package, 12 calories
Total: 536 calories!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

My 'Feel Good' Music

Posted by at 16:05
Sometimes when you're feeling blue and just need a little pick me up, a 30 second dance party can clear your mind and help you focus. Or if you don't like to dance (because you're crazy), belting out an upbeat and fun song at the top of your lungs is the best way to make you laugh - mostly at yourself.

I have a rule in my car that I made the first day I bought it. It applies to both me and anybody with me and it is above all others: If you're going to sing, make sure the music is loud enough that you can't hear yourself. Jam sessions really can do wonders.

So here's a list of some songs and artists that always make me feel just a little bit better every time I hear them:
- One Direction - mainly Kiss You and One Thing, but everything else upbeat that they sing works too.
- Backstreet Boys - seriously. If you can get a duet going on Backstreets Back, there's nothing you can't do. Plus Incomplete is probably my favorite song of all time.
- Bless The Broken Road by Rascal Flatts - it's a little sappy and slow but the type of song that you can't help but belt out when no one else is around.
- Storm Warning by Hunter Hayes - just a fun, upbeat song that makes you want to get up and dance.
- One More Night by Maroon 5 - the opening bars of this song are my ringtone and alarm and I haven't gotten sick of it yet. A good sign!
- The Script - I just love these guys. I could listen to their albums all day every day and not good bored. They always make my road trips so much more enjoyable!
- Boys and Buses by Hayden Panettiere - every time I listen to this song it's stuck in my head for hours, I just love it!

A great idea when one a road trip or listening to music is to find a song or artist that you haven't listened to in years (like the Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, old school Britney, etc) and just belt it out. You'd be surprised at how much you'll remember!

Flatbread Pizza

Posted by at 06:51
One of my weaknesses has always been pizza. What's not to love? A crust full of carbs and topped with cheese and cheese and cheese galore. When I made the major changes in my diet, I knew that my pizza cravings weren't just going to go away so I would have to find a way to make a healthier version. At first I tried making it on a tortilla, but they were too thin and didn't have quite the same effect. Next I tried a whole wheat english muffin, and they did the trick however were so small and gone in approximately 30 seconds. So I was stuck. I needed something thin and low in calories, but not too thin or too small.

And then I found them. FlatOut Thin Crust Flatbreads. They come in a few different flavors like Rosemary & Olive Oil or Spicy Italian, but I used the Whole Wheat Artisan Pizza kind. Each crust has 140 calories in it and it covers my entire plate.
The company makes other flatbreads too, including wraps and fold-its - a panini type of bread that's low in calories and great for sandwiches and grilled cheeses.

So this is what I used to make my new and improved 'healthy' pizza!

What you need:
- 1 Flatout thin crust flatbread
- 1/4 pizza sauce (I used Kraft because there really is nothing better)
- 1 handful of spinach
- ~100 grams of either ground chicken or chicken breast
- 30 g part skin mozzarella cheese

What you do:
1. If using ground chicken, cook in frying pan until cooked completely. Add any type of seasoning you want, typically the more flavor the chicken has, the better tasting the pizza. If using chicken breast, cut into strips and season before cooking.
2. Use a slap chop or knife to very finely chop up cooked chicken to easier spread out on pizza.
3. Top flat bread with sauce, spinach, chicken, and cheese, in that order.
4. Cook in oven until cheese is melted, then switch to broil to brown the top until desired.

And enjoy!

Calorie breakdown:
Flatbread: 140 calories
Ground chicken: 95 g, 114 calories
Pizza sauce: 1/4 cup, 40 calories
Cheese: 30 g, 80 calories
Total: 374 calories!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

My Current Diet Plan

Posted by at 10:08
I'm always hesitant about using the word 'diet' because I hate what it stands for. When I think of a diet I think of a short term weight loss plan that promises drastic results over a course of a couple of weeks or months. To some people this might be appealing, but to me it just doesn't make sense in the long run. What I've done is not just dieting, I've made a lifestyle change. It isn't just about losing weight, but getting healthy and comfortable in my own skin.

Today I thought I would share some of the tips and tricks that have worked for me. I am by no means a nutritionist, but I have done some experimenting and have found what seems to work for me.

Some of the rules I've made for myself:
1. Do NOT drink your calories! One of the hardest rules to remember is that all drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) except for water contain calories. You might think you're doing better just by cutting out pop - and you are, don't get me wrong - but juice and milk all contain calories as well. Sometimes you can just get sick of slugging back water all the time, so some good alternatives for when you need a change are diet pops (I know, I know, but having one Coke Zero every once in a while really isn't going to kill you, I promise!) and Trop50 orange juice. We almost always have at least one bottle of this juice in our fridge, and I use it for everything! Making shakes, to drink, to flavoring sauces and yogurts. If you're watching your weight and trying to count calories and nothing seems to be working out for you, take a look at what you're drinking!

2. Eat breakfast! Up until last fall, I was adamant about not eating breakfast. I didn't like breakfast food all that much, I never had time in the mornings, I didn't like eating on the go, I had plenty of excuses. But then I started making a morning shake to take to class with me and my opinions changed. Now I eat breakfast within an hour of waking up and it really helps jumpstart my energy and metabolism for the day! Expect a post coming soon about some breakfast ideas that are good for both you and your tastebuds.

3. Cut down on carbs! Don't get me wrong, I love bread. And pasta. And rice. And cheese. And just about everything else in this world that is chock full of that dreaded c-word. There are all kinds of diets out there that push no-carb or low-carb but the trick is a balance. Don't fully deplete yourself of them, but don't overload either. I still eat bread and pasta and rice and cheese, I just eat less of it. Which brings me to ...

4. Portion control! The main tool that has helped me kickstart my lifestyle change was the kitchen scale I got for Christmas. I use it for EVERYTHING I eat, it drives my mother insane. But the only accurate way to get a calorie count is by weight. It's great because you know exactly what you are putting into your body and it also helps to view things differently. For example, 200 grams of a boneless, skinless chicken breast is only 200 calories and takes up a large part of your place, but on the other hand, 200 grams of my absolute favorite pasta with pesto sauce is over 400 calories and doesn't take up nearly as much room.

5. Have a cheat day! Sometimes, you just need one. Sometimes your body is just craving something sweet or something greasy or something cheesy and sometimes you just have to indulge. I give myself one cheat day a week where I don't count my calories and listen to what my body wants. It helps to kickstart your metabolism again too, and in all honesty isn't going to slow down your weight loss. It's also a great tool to keep you going throughout the week, giving you something to look forward to so you don't get discouraged and fall off the wagon.

I strongly suggest downloading a calorie counting app like My Fitness Pal. If you don't have a smart phone, it can be used online here. This is what my daily goals look like, after submitting my starting weight, current weight, goal weight, gender, and height.

Net Calories: 1200
Total Fat: 40 g
Total Cholesterol: 300 mg
Total Sodium: 2500 mg
Total Potassium: 3500 mg
Total Carbs: 165 g
Total Sugars: 24 g
Total Protein: 45 g

The goal numbers for everything except for calories will increase depending on the amount of exercise performed during the day. It's important to note that all of these except for protein are levels that you want to stay below, while protein is a level that you want to either meet or exceed. I'll be putting up another post soon with my favorite protein sources!
Those are my main rules and tips for others if they're looking to either change things up in their current diet or start a new lifestyle with me!
My day so far in My Fitness Pal

Monday, 4 March 2013

My Weight Loss Journey

Posted by at 12:06
November 2010
I've been overweight for as long as I can remember, even as a kid I was always chubby. This is in large part to my poor eating habits - I loved fast food, pop, chips, chocolate, candy, you name it. You couldn't force a vegetable down my throat and I couldn't even stomach staples like meat and potatoes. One of the running jokes in my family is always centered around my traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas Lotus Garden egg rolls. Yup, no turkey, no potatoes, no dressing, no cranberries. Egg rolls. Granted, they are literally the best egg rolls you could ever imagine eating ... but I digress. 

I knew I was overweight, and I knew my eating habits were horrible, but there was always something holding me back - most likely the fear of not being able to do it, not being able to stick with it, not being able to commit to the lifestyle change.

In January 2011, I downloaded an app on my phone (C25K) and started going to the gym at my school. On the first day there, I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 220 lbs. At the time I didn't let it get to me, but thinking back I'm embarrassed that I let myself go that much. I fell off of the gym wagon, and my eating improved slightly, but I didn't stick with it again. I still enjoyed my McDonald's and Doritos, though likely more in moderation. 

May 2011

I moved into my own apartment in September 2011, where I found it easier to cook for myself and make healthier choices. I started making breakfast smoothies with fruit and spinach, but never really kept track of my weight. In March 2012, my mom and I went to a Visalus shake party. It seemed like it would be easy, I was already making smoothies, and the results seemed incredible. 

I joined a gym in Halifax that month, and made a serious effort to go 3-4 times a week, but then finals season hit and my time all but evaporated. When I moved home at the end of April, not much had changed.

When I started my 90 day challenge I weighed in at 200 lbs, somehow having lost 20 over the course of a year. But again, I didn't really stick to it. Some days I would have the two shakes recommended, some days I would only have one. And even then, I would make high-calorie suppers that all but negated any good the shakes had done. And still, from March 2012-September 2012, I lost another 20 lbs.

July 2012
In September when I moved back to Halifax, I decided to make more of an effort. I went to the gym consistently 4 times a week, focusing on cardio and a small weight circuit. I went in the morning before I had class, freeing up the rest of my day and leaving me feeling energized. I felt great, but the scale wasn't moving. Near the end of October, I downloaded the app My Fitness Pal by the suggestion from a friend. I struggled with it for a month, maintaining my calories burned and consumed, and giving myself a cheat day once a week to refuel my body. But most days I felt hungry all day, not feeding myself the proper foods to get the most out of what I was eating.

In that month, I lost approximately 7 pounds, it's difficult to say because I wasn't consistent in weighing myself. But again, finals season hit and my motivation and dedication went out the window. And then, it was time to come home for Christmas. I'd been hoping to maintain better eating habits over the break, but with all of the baking and baking and baking and egg rolls, I didn't. By the time January rolled around, I'd somehow gained back almost all of those 7 pounds I'd lost.

September 2012
A week or so into January, I introduced my mom to My Fitness Pal, and she agreed to change her lifestyle with me. When I started again in January, I weighed in at 180 lbs, setting my goal weight at 140-145 lbs. It was tough at first, trying to feel full but not overeating, cutting way down on carbs, not drinking my calories (I'd fallen back off the no-pop wagon), less snacking, not eating late at night. But the more time went on, the easier it became. It was fun experimenting with new recipes and trying to make old ones more 'diet friendly', I found I didn't feel like I needed all of that food, and some days even struggled to meet my calorie minimum. 

So that brings us to today. This morning I weighed in at 162 lbs, nearly halfway to my goal. Today the jeans I bought in December fit looser, my old Wranglers from the summer are all too big, half of my beloved Lululemon collection has been sold because I can't justify keeping something that doesn't fit anymore, and I'm not ashamed of my body and the progress I have made.

March 2013

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Crock Pot Orange Chicken

Posted by at 17:55
So I figured for my first post I would share a new recipe I just tried out today! I posted a picture of my supper tonight on Instagram and already had two people looking for the recipe. I can't take all of the credit, I got the idea from Pinterest (typical) and kind of made it my own - mostly just to fit what we had already at home.

What you need:
- 2-3 chicken breasts
- ~1/4 cup of flour
- Small amount of olive oil
- 3 Tablespoons ketchup
- 1.5 teaspoons sea salt
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 6 oz (~175 ml) Trop50, pulp free
- 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar

What you do:
1. Chop up the chicken breasts into small pieces.
2. Coat chicken bites in flour, shake off excess.
3. Brown in a frying pan with a small amount of oil - don't worry about cooking all the way through, just fry them long enough to seal in the moisture.
4. In a separate bowl combine the rest of the ingredients.
5. Pour chicken and sauce into slow cooker and stir.
6. Cook on high for ~3 hours.
7. Once cooked, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread chicken (not with excess sauce) flat over it.
8. Put in oven on broil for ~5 minutes.
9. Enjoy!

The total calorie breakdown for the meal depends on the amount of chicken you use, but for the sauce itself, the entire recipe results in 282 calories. Note that there's about 1/2 of the sauce still left in the pot once you remove the chicken.

My meal tonight:
Calorie breakdown:
Chicken: 168 g, 168 calories
Orange sauce: 1/4 of recipe, 70.5 calories
Spinach, cucumber, carrot: ~50 calories
Light ranch dressing: 1 tablespoon, 40 calories
Total: 328.5 calories!
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